MEMBERSHIP for state/district/club

How Do I Join Taekwondo Organization Of India?
If you are an individual who is not a member of a Taekwondo club you should contact Taekwondo Organization Of India Secretariat office and ask for information about individual participant registration or contact one of the clubs in our directory.
If you want state affiliation please write us.
If your club wants to join Taekwondo Organization Of India, write us we will forward you member application form.

Constituent membership
Open to all clubs
Annual Club Membership fee: 2500.00 (inc GST)
Annual State Membership fee:  12500.00 (inc GST)
Membership covers an annual calendar year (1 January to 31 December) and is due by 31 January.

The annual membership fee can be deposited into the Taekwondo Organization Of India bank account:
Bank account details will provide on request.