What is Taekwondo Organization Of India?
Taekwondo Organization Of India is a voluntary, non profit organization committed to fostering and developing opportunities for all Indians to participate in traditional and sports Taekwondo at all levels. Taekwondo Organization Of India is register body under society act India.

What Are It’s Aims?
Taekwondo Organization Of India aims to promote and facilitate the development of the highest standards in, and the fullest understanding of traditional and sport Taekwondo.

How Does It Achieve It’s Objectives?
Taekwondo Organization Of India arranges seminars and coaching clinics to assist its members in improving existing skills are learning new skills in the practice, coaching and administration of traditional and sport Taekwondo.
Taekwondo Organization Of India arranges training camps and tournaments at regional and national level to provide opportunities for members to participate in sport Taekwondo at their preferred level. Taekwondo Organization Of India also maintains affiliations with appropriate national and international bodies to provide for elite and high performance Taekwondo athletes to compete at the highest level.
Taekwondo Organization Of India publishes on it’s website page news briefs and updates on Taekwondo events and issues. It also publishes other relevant material from time to time to assist it’s members in staying abreast of current developments and issues affecting Taekwondo participants.
Taekwondo Organization Of India maintains and publishes a national register of qualified instructors and coaches who adhere to a common code of conduct so that the general public can exercise a more informed choice taking up Taekwondo or martial arts in general.
Taekwondo Organization Of India is owned by it’s voluntary members. What it does is determined by what they want and need. Taekwondo Organization Of India promotes cooperation, fellowship and the sharing of knowledge among it’s members and all interested persons in the development of opportunities for all Indian to participate in Taekwondo.
Taekwondo Organization Of India aims at financial self sufficiency. It does not seek to accumulate profit, but only to have it’s activities meet their cost with sufficient resources to ensure adequate working capital and financial stability through time.